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世界中のビートルズ・コレクターが注目するFAB PRODUCTION製作のオリジナル・レア映像コレクション”RECOVERED ARCHIVES”シリーズがプレス盤DVDで登場!数多いビートルズの映像マテリアルを時系列にまとめたこのシリーズはこれまで知られている代表的なTV出演やライブはもちろん世界中のニュース映像から貴重な記録フィルムに至るまで現存するビートルズの映像をくまなく網羅したコレクター必見の映像アンソロジーです。以前には見ることが出来なかった珍しい映像や近年新たに発掘され画質・音質や内容が向上した映像が多く含まれたビートルズ映像コレクションの決定版シリーズをプレス盤DVDでお届けします!

01. Aug 22, 1962: Some Other Guy Take 2 The Cavern, Liverpool Granada TV
02. Sept, 1963: George in Benton, IL Home Movies
03. Nov 15, 1963: Fans for Bristol Concert BBC News
04. Nov 15, 1963: Fans for Bristol Concert ABC News
05. Dec 7: I Want To Hold Your Hand Liverpool Empire Multicam
06. Feb 7: Beatles arrive in America JFK Airport, NYC, NY ABC Raw News Footage
07. Arrival, Fans, Murray the K at Press Conf Clips ABC Raw News Footage
08. Arrival, Fans, Press Conf ABC Raw News Footage
09. Fans with Magazines ABC Raw News Footage
10. Feb 8: The Beatles arrive in America NBC News Report
11. The Singing Fans! TV Studio ABC Raw News Footage
12. Feb 9: CBS Studios NYC, NY ABC Raw Footage
13. Feb 10: Interview Plaza Hotel, NYC, NY- ABC Raw Footage
14. Feb 11: Arrival in Wash DC Union Station, Wash DC ABC Raw Footage
15. Feb 12: Arrival from Wash DC Penn Station Plaza Hotel, NYC, NY ABC Raw Footage
16. Beatles arrive, protests and Fans Carnegie Hall, NYC, NY ABC Raw Footage
17. Feb 22: Interview Heathrow Airport, London ABC Raw Footage
18. Die Beatles in England Heathrow Airport, London German Newsreel
19. May 25: John and George LA Airport, Los Angeles, CA Barbre Film
20. June 4: Arrival and KB Hall Copenhagen, Denmark News Report
21. Forsalg Til The Beatles Denmark Newsreel
22. June 14: Ringo arrives in Melbourne Essendon Airport & Southern Cross Hotel Melbourne, Australia ABC Raw News Footage
23. The Beatles Arrive Essendon Airport AC Raw News Footage
24. The Beatles Arrive Southern Cross Hotel ABC Raw News Footage
25. July 6: Hard Day’s Night Premiere Pavilion, London ABC Raw News Footage
26. July 10: Speke Airport, Liverpool 8mm Color 2 VERSIONS
27. July 13: Ringo For President in San Francisco CA ABC Raw News Footage 28. July 28: Arrival at Arlanda Airport, Stockholm, Sweden ABC Raw NewsFootage
29. Aug 3: Hard Day’s Night premiere in Zurich SRF News
30. Aug 18: Arrival at International Airport, San Francisco, CA ABC News Raw Footage
31. Aug 20: Arrival McCarran Int’l Airport & Hotel Sahara, Las Vegas, NV Barbre Film
32. Aug 21: Arrival at Sea-Tac Airport, Seattle, WA ABC News Raw Footage
33. Aug 22: Concert Footage Empire Stadium, Vancouver, BC Home Movie and Footage
34. Aug 23: Press Conference Cinnamon Cinder, Los Angeles, CA Barbre Film
35. Concert Footage Hollywood Bowl Bill Black Combo and The Beatles Barbre Film
36. Aug 23: Concert Footage Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, Ca ABC News Raw Footage (True Audio)

NTSC 4 : 3 Dolby Digital Stereo / Mono time approx. 92 min.
FAB Production. FABAR003DVD

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